Site Indexing in SEO

The process of adding information about a website to search engine databases is known as site indexing. The size of the site, the nesting level of the page, the technological status, and other factors all influence indexation. Online retailers, news portals, and service sites all require indexing.

Methods of Website Indexing 

The following are the primary methods oĞ° website indexing:

  1. Making use of search engine tools. The Google Search Console is a useful feature of the Google search engine. This is a free and easy solution that allows you to do basic site SEO. Go to Index → Coverage to see whether there are any serious indexing issues. It is advised that you pay close attention to the sections “Errors” and “No errors.”
  1. Making use of links from other websites. Links to the page must be placed on other websites in order for search engine robots to find it. Links can be indexed and non-indexed. Non-indexed links do not convey weight from the page where they are located, whereas indexed links do. The site is promoted through indexed links.

The ability to index a page is determined by the content’s quality and distinctiveness. Search robots will swiftly index your page if it has high-quality information.

Indexing Procedure


The technique for indexing the site is as follows: the search bot discovers the page, devises a strategy to crawl it, and analyzes the results.

The indexing status of the page is as follows:

  • 200 – the page is available;
  • 404 – the page you’re looking for doesn’t exist;
  • 301 (redirect) – the page has been relocated; 
  • 304 – the page has not been modified; 
  • 503 – the server is temporarily unavailable.

Indexing begins after the page’s status has been determined. The meta tags, description, and content of the page are all recorded by the search bot. The data is entered into the database of the search engine, and the page’s position is established.

Issues with Site Indexing

There are three basic forms of issues with the indexing of the Internet resource:

  • Indexing takes a long time. The cause for this might be due to the infrequency with which content is updated. This issue arises as a result of inadequate search engine optimization, low-quality content, and poor development of the entire site.
  • There is no indexing. It is necessary to check whether the site is prohibited from being crawled by search algorithms in robots.txt.
  • A single search engine has no indexing. Examine the search engine’s filters.

Indexing Check

The following methods can be used to check the site’s indexing:

  • Manually. Enter the company’s name in the search box, and then scroll through the first several pages of the results. This is a straightforward method, although it is inconvenient.
  • Through the site operator in the search bar. You insert the site operator and the site’s address into a Google search. This approach is more precise than the previous one.
  • Through the Google Search Console. To check the status of your Google index, go to the “Google index” tab and click “Indexing status.” You may examine the number of pages in the index as well as their dynamics.
  • Automatically using plugins. Services and plugins are the most convenient approach to verify the site’s indexing. Checking programs can be kept in your browser and launched as needed.

Methods for Fast Indexing

fast indexing

The following guidelines will assist in speeding up the site’s optimization:

  1. Checking the robots.txt file. The presence of the robots.txt file in the site’s root folder must be verified. It’s also a good idea to double-check for any indexing prohibitions. The existence of the Disallow line indicates that indexing is prohibited on the site. Following that, you must restrict access to system files and archive pages. You should also double-check the robots.txt syntax.
  2. Creating a sitemap file is the second step. A sitemap is a file that helps search engines navigate through a website’s structure. New pages are added to sitemap.xml, making it easier for search engine crawlers to find them. Automatic creation, CMS functionality, and XML sitemap generation using WP plugins are all options for creating a sitemap file. The sitemap file is critical for quick site indexing, and without it, page indexing speed would suffer.
  3. Internal relinking. Links from indexed pages should be placed on the new page. It is vital to select reference environment that is thematically close. The links from the home page are the most valuable. For example, blocks of items or accessories should be displayed on the online store’s site for successful indexing.
  4. Creating original texts. The likelihood of indexing low-quality or non-unique content is considerably lowered. Search engines do not cite plagiarized material well. As a result, the most helpful and distinctive texts must be placed.
  5. Check the level of nesting. The indexing speed increases as the site’s nesting level decreases. The ideal nesting level is three. The pace of indexing decreases when nesting levels 5-6 and higher are used.
  6. Keeping pages up to date. Sites that are updated on a regular basis are better indexed by search algorithms. As a result, it is recommended that fresh posts be published once a week and that the material on the site be updated on a regular basis.
  7. Directories, social media, and instant messaging. Directories are well indexed by social networks. You should select thematic directories with a significant number of visitors. Place links to the site in prominent social networks and messengers for rapid indexing (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram). Links on social media have a favorable impact on the site’s ranking in search results and drive traffic to it.
  8. Comments in “Question and Answer” services. Comments with the URL of the site in the “Q&A” service help speed up the indexing of the site. Copywriters with a good reputation should be contacted to pass moderation on the site.
  9. Making use of the Google Search Console. The GSC may be used to keep track of indexing dynamics. You must input the URL and request indexing in order for the service to check it.
  10. Eliminating duplicates. Duplicates have a negative impact on the indexing of the site by search engines. They can be of two types: explicit and implicit. You’ll need to set up a 301 redirect to get rid of the duplicates.
  11. Logical organization. It’s necessary to make the site’s structure more logical, so that search robots can explore it more easily. Making a tree structure is the best solution. Content should be included in the appropriate headings, since this improves the page ranking.

Indexing Ban

It may be required in some situations to deny search bots access to the entire site or specific pages. This is required in order to conceal sensitive material, technical pages, and so on. To prevent indexing, the following strategies are used:

  • The robots.txt file is used. Prescribe regulations for search bots, which are divided into two parts: User-agent identifies the recipient, whereas Disallow prevents indexing.
  • Making use of the robots meta tag. You can use this approach to prevent indexing of a particular page or part of the content. This is accomplished through the usage of the noindex and nofollow tags.


The site must be indexed in order for it to rank well in search engines. You may check for indexing manually or use the Google Search Console. If indexed sites aren’t showing up in search results, look for technical flaws or content issues. Adding original material, interlinking and links to social networks will help accelerate the indexing of the site.

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    Alexander Tarakhovich

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