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12 Key Google’s Ranking Factors

Google ranks a website’s position using a variety of algorithms. When ranking, various weighted factors are taken into consideration. The total number of factors ranges from 200 to 1,000 or more. There are three fundamental categories of ranking variables: page factors, host (off-page) factors, and technological factors. Think about the key ranking elements that affect the position of the site in search results.

Features of Google promoting 

The following characteristics are taken into consideration while advertising on Google:

  • Mobile version. The page ranking in search results is dependent on how well the site is optimized for mobile devices.
  • Behavioral variables. Used by the system to enhance its search algorithm.
  • Interaction simplicity. New ranking criteria are used – Page Experience and Core Web Vitals, which assess the site’s usability (the absence of intrusive notifications, high download speed, etc.).
  • Building relevant links. When advertising the site, links from reliable donors are crucial, especially in highly competitive categories.
  • Voice search. Used by many visitors to speed up informational searches.



Links pointing to original Internet resources are known as backlinks. They determine how well a website performs in search results. Google considers backlinks to be a factor of trust. Relevant links from well-known, often viewed websites are the most beneficial. You may raise the search engine rating of your website by obtaining quality backlinks. There are various strategies to get backlinks, including by writing guest blog posts or by producing helpful material to win over readers’ confidence. 

Technical aspects 

High page loading speeds and page availability are the deciding considerations for Google. Indexing and user happiness of a website are significantly impacted by its stability. The Site Audit tool from Serpstat is used to examine the website’s technical state. It can be applied to pinpoint issues and implement solutions. The PageSpeed Insights tool is used to assess how quickly websites load.

User experience

user expereience

The interaction that a user experiences with the system interface is known as the user experience (UX). Design, visual hierarchy, information architecture, and ease of navigation all affect the user experience. Increasing loading speed, coordinating internal link structure, streamlining the navigation system, developing a writing style, audience research, promotions, and contests are the major strategies to enhance user experience.

Content novelty (relevance) 

Ranking variables include the content’s novelty (relevance) on the page. Depending on the type of site, the data’s validity could change. For websites that concentrate on search engine rankings or current trends, updating material is extremely crucial. The click-through rate (CTR) is positively impacted by updated content. Search engine rankings for pages containing unrelated material steadily decline. Instead of artificially pushing up the update date, it is imperative to make substantive modifications.


The HTTPS encryption technique, which has superseded the antiquated HTTP method, is employed to increase visitor security. Each connection to the site using HTTPS necessitates the production of a fresh secret key. Setting up HTTPS requires the use of an SSL certificate. Payment mechanisms and feedback forms both use HTTPS.


Search engine results are directly impacted by the proper use of keywords. In the past, using as many keywords as possible was necessary. The search engine rankings of a website suffer as a result of keyword stuffing as search engine algorithms advance over time. The user’s question should be as closely related to the keyword phrases as possible. In the headlines, subtitles, and descriptions, they ought to flow naturally.

Optimization for mobile devices

When browsing online content, many consumers utilize their smartphones and tablets more frequently. As a result, you must make your website mobile-friendly. Adaptive design, conciseness, clear menus, big buttons, understandable language, and succinct graphics are its defining characteristics. Auditing the mobile version, removing huge graphics and unnecessary content, and speeding up the site’s loading speed are all necessary for mobile optimization.

Website authoritativeness

A value that is automatically determined based on a number of indicators is called domain authoritativeness (or domain ranking). These consist of the quality of external links, website content, and material’s applicability to the user’s search. Both internal and external factors affect authoritativeness. It is measured by numbers from 0 to 100 (the optimal value is 70 points). The following strategies are used to strengthen a site’s authoritativeness: collaboration with trustworthy resources, technical assistance for the website, creating helpful material, and using internal links to boost the authority of pages.

Expertise and trustworthiness

Expertise and trustworthiness are key indicators for page ranking. Expertise is the state of possessing adequate knowledge in a given field. The correctness of the information on the website is referred to as trustworthiness. Expertise and trustworthiness are especially crucial for YMYL subjects like law, medicine, and finance. The content should be accurate and the articles should be authored by subject-matter experts.


The usability of a page affects how useful it is to users. Improved usability leads to increased traffic and conversions. The usability of a website is evaluated using the following tools: statistical analysis, customer feedback, web expert testing, and visitor observation. The following guidelines are followed to increase usability: establish a straightforward organizational structure, include breadcrumbs, enhance the content’s quality (avoid using complex phrases, use intriguing headlines, and check for errors), and include contact information.

Loading speed

loading speed

Although it doesn’t directly impact the site’s rating, loading speed could still be a major issue. Up to 2.2 seconds is the maximum download speed. Optimizing pictures, removing intrusive advertisements, minimizing JSS and Javascript, and lowering request volume are all ways to improve it. For websites intended for long-term promotion, loading speed is particularly crucial.


Numerous factors, including authoritativeness, usability, design, page speed, content quality, and others, have a direct or indirect impact on the site’s ranking. You should examine the site’s technical specifications, update the information, choose a semantic core, protect the site, and examine user behavior to raise its search engine ranking.

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    Alexander Tarakhovich

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